For so long, I thought becoming more me meant adding things – more confidence, more skills, more success. I thought I needed to prove my worth to the world by constantly doing and achieving. But over time, I’ve learned that becoming myself isn’t about adding more. It’s about peeling back the layers, releasing the things that don’t serve me, and allowing myself to be who I truly am.
This journey of becoming myself has been a process of letting go – letting go of the fear of judgment, letting go of the need for approval, and letting go of the belief that I need to be anything other than me.
The more I soften into myself, the more I feel at home in my own skin. I no longer feel the need to be perfect or live up to someone else’s expectations. I am enough, exactly as I am, in this moment.
And… the beauty of being yourself is that you no longer have to try so hard. You can simply be.
What if who you are, right now, is already enough? What would it look like to stop trying to be someone else and instead, just be fully yourself?
Reflective journal prompt: What’s one small way you could be more YOU today, without overthinking it?